First is a ribbon swap at TLL.... I received my swap just yesterday.. So here they are.... All so yum & appealing..... :)

Are they not tempting.....???? Just looking forward to use them a.s.a.p........

And this is a glimpse of the album I made for one of our fellow crafters...... Had started on it, 4 months back...... There was a lengthy break in between & then sat back to complete it..... Had been almost a month since it was completed, but took a long time to capture it....
Album is themed "Scraps & Swirls".... All the elements I have used on it are scraps from my stash, which had piled up to a great fall..... Waiting for them to be used appropriately..... Hence managed to consume just a small portion of it..... ;)
Started with no idea of scrap books, but now have fallen in love with it..... But yes I'm quite apprehensive of sending it across to her...... Keeping fingers crossed!!!!! Sincerely hope she likes it...... :D
That is it for now.... Will be back soon with some projects..... Lots of love to ALL!!!!

wow !to d lucky one :)she will b owning such a pretty creation !!
So much gorgeousness in one post! love those beautiful ribbons and the album looks amazing.
The ribbons you've received are gorgeous..The front of the album looks AMAZING!!Just like one of the albums on youtube I have longed to make myself..simply fab Ash!!
album looks lovely dear!!!!
Album looks amazing.. Do post some inside pages as well!! & the ribbons are lovely!
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